Work on Design Policies Commences

Now that the Call for Sites decision has been concluded by the survey conducted in August the LNP team, together with our consultant Rachel Leggett & associates, have been focusing on developing a set of Design Policies and Codes that will form the core of the LNP document.

The purpose of the Design Policies is to set out Leavenheath’s specific requirements for any new housing developments and they cover various aspects such as: Community Infrastructure, Housing Needs & Design, Environment, Transport & Access.

These complex topics are already covered in great detail by local and national regulations. It is not the purpose of the LNP to duplicate these regulations, but to supplement them with our village’s specific needs and expectations.

The LNP Design Policies have to be “evidence lead” and so will be supported by data extracted from last year’s Household Survey, the various Stakeholder Engagement sessions held early this year and a Housing Needs Assessment Report conducted by AECOM, a specialist consultant.

Unfortunately, the restrictions arising from Covid-19 precludes the holding of any open public sessions in the Village Hall, therefore the LNP team will endeavour to keep the village updated via the news page of this website.